Linggo, Enero 13, 2013

Revit 01

It has been almost a month since I uploaded something on this blog, This post will basically give you a short review and refresher on your revit commands and menu.

To get us started, this is the all too familiar work space of revit, each toolbar has different color highlights, details below.

1. Gray – APPLICATION MENU, typical menu where you can save, load, etc.
2. Blue – QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR, sits above the ribbon, can be customized.
3. Red- RIBBON, Icons that represent each command called PANEL, usually has dropdown menus.
4. Green – PROPERTIES PALLETE, list of properties and options of a specific model. Open for editing.
5. Yellow – PROJECT BROWSER, This is like the table of contents of your project, this is where you can select and edit views.
6. Purple – MENU BAR, list of panels where you can hide objects, and change visual details.
7. Orange – NAVIGATION BAR, practically useless unless your mouse does not have a mouse scroll.

After getting re acquainted with revit, the list of shortcuts will help you do things with ease and makes you look PRO, But using the icon selection is not a bad thing to do.

List of revit notes and shortcuts:

Create shortcuts:
UN – units – first thing to do, used to set project units.
WA – create wall – can be accessed at ribbon, wall panel.
DR – create door – can be accessed at ribbon, door panel.
WN – create window - can be accessed at ribbon, window panel.

Drafting, annotations and text shortcuts:
DI  dimension
EL  spot elevation
GR  grid
LL  level
TX  text
TG  tag
RP  ref plane
RT  room tag
DL  detail lines

Edit menu shortcuts:
MD  modify
MV  move
CO  copy (Cntrl-C)
RO  rotate
AR  array
MM  mirror
PR  properties
DE  delete
GP  group
LO  lock objects
SA Select all instances
RE Resize
PP Pin Position UP=unpin

Navigation shortcuts:
SHIFT + MOUSE LEFT CLICK – navigate on model.
ZR  zoom in region
ZO  zoom out (2x)
ZF  zoom to fit
ZE  zoom to fit
ZA  zoom all to fit
ZS  sheet size
ZP  previous scroll/zoom
F8  dynamic view dbox
F5  refresh
DOUBLE ESC – reset command

View menu shortcuts:
VP View Properties
VG Visibility graphics
VH category invisible
Vi Other categories invisible
HH Hide object
HI isolate object
HC hide category
IC isolate category
HR reset temp hide/isolate

source: revit architecture

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